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Citrix Receiver Installation

For all platforms: Using your favorite browser, navigate to and download the corresponding installation package. The installation should be straightforward on Mac OS X and Windows.


Download the tarball (e.g. to /tmp/citrix) and extract it. Run setupwfc as root to install the Citrix Receiver. If you want to run the Citrix Receiver as a standalone application you have to install the Motif libraries. On a 64-bit system some tricks might be necessary to get that thingy to run. See the details on

Console Installation|h
user@hostname:/tmp/citrix$ sudo ./setupwfc 
Citrix Receiver for Linux 11.100 setup.
Copyright 1996-2010 Citrix Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Citrix, Independent Computing Architecture (ICA), Program Neighborhood,
MetaFrame, and MetaFrame XP are registered trademarks and Citrix Receiver,
Citrix XenApp, XenDesktop, Citrix Presentation Server, Citrix Access Suite,
and SpeedScreen are trademarks of Citrix Systems, Inc. in the United States
and other countries.
Microsoft, MS, MS-DOS, Outlook, Windows, Windows NT, and BackOffice are
either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in
the United States and other countries.
All other Trade Names referred to are the Servicemark, Trademark,
or Registered Trademark of the respective manufacturers.
Select a setup option:
 1. Install Citrix Receiver for Linux 11.100
 2. Remove Citrix Receiver for Linux 11.100
 3. Quit Citrix Receiver for Linux 11.100 setup
Enter option number 1-3 [1]: 1
Please enter the directory in which Citrix Receiver for Linux is to be installed.
[default /usr/lib/ICAClient] 
or type "quit" to abandon the installation: 
You have chosen to install Citrix Receiver for Linux 11.100 in /usr/lib/ICAClient.
Proceed with installation? [default n]: y
Use of this component is subject to the Citrix license covering the 
Citrix product(s) with which you will be using this component. This 
component is only licensed for use with such Citrix product(s).
CTX_code EP_T_A34320
Select an option:
 1. I accept
 2. I do not accept
Enter option number 1-2 [2]: 1
Installation proceeding...
Checking available disk space ...
	Disk space available 15660932 K 
	Disk space required 6923 K
Continuing ...
Creating directory /usr/lib/ICAClient
Core package...
Setting file permissions...
Integrating with browsers...
Browsers found.
Integration complete.
Do you want to integrate Citrix Receiver with KDE and GNOME? [default y]: y
Do you want GStreamer to use the plugin from this client? [default y]: y
Do you want to install USB support? [default n]: y
 * Starting Citrix USB daemon [ OK ]
Select a setup option:
 1. Install Citrix Receiver for Linux 11.100
 2. Remove Citrix Receiver for Linux 11.100
 3. Quit Citrix Receiver for Linux 11.100 setup
Enter option number 1-3 [2]: 3
Quitting Citrix Receiver for Linux 11.100 setup.

After logging in and selecting an application you like to start, you'll be presented a dialog box to open or save the file launch.ica. Check the radio button Open with, browse to /usr/lib/ICAClient, and select

bfh/wiki-legacy/en/virtualization/citrix.txt · Last modified: 2015/11/13 15:20 (external edit)